ICS Loss Assessor Tips for Managing a Flood Damage Claim

Flooded Basement

ICS Loss Assessor Tips for Managing a Flood Damage Claim Flood damage claim | Flood damage claims are particularly difficult to deal with as so many people are usually affected at the same time. Insurers have estimated that the flood damage claims caused by the latest flooding could hit €100 million or more. Flood Damage Claims are […]

Burst Pipe Claim – What to Do?

A burst pipe can cause a lot of damage to your home’s structure, furnishings and electrical wiring. It is therefore important to act swiftly, before serious damage is done. The following steps describe what you should do as soon as you discover a burst pipe: 1. Turn off the water supply Turn off the main stop tap […]

Fire Damage To Top Floor Apartment

Insurance Claim Solution Loss Assessors received a call from a landlord who had suffered extensive fire damage to an apartment on the top floor of his building. The fire brigade had successfully extinguished the fire, but in the process had soaked the entire building from top to bottom causing secondary water damage to other apartments in […]

Fire Damage Claim – Oven Fire

We have recently received a call from a lady who had had a fire damage claim resulting from an oven fire. She had put in an insurance claim herself and waited for the outcome. The insurance company had sent a loss adjuster in and he had offered to replace the oven and the oven unit […]

Why Appoint A Loss Assessor to Handle your Insurance Claim?

Insurance claim form rejected

A Public Loss Assessor represents you, the policy holder, not an insurance company.  Insurance company profit is dependent on the amount of claims they receive and pay out. So, it is understandable that they are trying to limit the amount of claims they pay out. Each time you file a claim, they instruct their loss adjusters and the […]

How to make sure that your theft insurance pays out

Burglars glove through window

How to make sure that your theft insurance pays out Burglary and Theft Insurance Tips We all too often come across policyholders who have been victims of break ins and thefts of their precious possessions. The current downturn in the economy is causing a huge increase in thefts and break-ins. The items stolen have generally […]

Under Insurance Can Be Costly

Under Insurance | In a nutshell, you need to an insurance policy review carried out periodically to avoid under insurance. Under insurance is a situation when the sum insured of the insurance policy is less than the re-instatement value of your property. While under insurance may result in lower premiums paid by the policy holder, […]

How to Prevent Burst Pipes and Avoid Water Damage

The cold weather is upon us and every year we help policyholders affected by water damage caused by freezing and burst pipes. The damaged pipework is, in the main, a small issue. The major loss usually resultants from water damage caused once pipes thaw out and water escapes from damaged the pipework. We have seen […]

Fire Claim | Electrical Fault Causes Fire To A House in Northern Ireland

Fire Claim | Electrical Fault Causes Fire To A House in Northern Ireland Fire Claim | Faulty electrics are extremely dangerous as they can easily set the house on fire. Insurance Claim Solutions received a call from a distressed home owner in Northern Ireland informing that he had suffered fire damage to his home. Luckily […]

Loss Assessor Guide to Handling Your Home Insurance Claim

Handling a home insurance claim by yourself can be tricky. You need to be able to interpret the small print and figure out whether any cover exclusions and clauses apply to your particular case. Then you need to be able to understand the full extend of the damage. Remember that some damage is not obvious […]