Lightning damage is comparatively rare in Ireland, but it happens a couple of times each year. Lightning strike presents three main hazards to your property:
- A building struck by lightning can catch fire, smoulder or explode.
- Power surge caused by lightning, can damage your electronic equipment and telephones incl. TVs, modems, computers and other even non-electronic devices.
- The shock wave that lightning creates can easily fracture concrete, brick and stone. Brick and stone chimneys are commonly damaged by lightning. Lightning can even blow out plaster walls, shatter glass and crack foundations,
Lightning Damage facts
- The centre of a lightning strike leading edge is 20 times hotter then the
centre of the sun - A typical lightning strike contains 1 billion volts and contains between 10,000 to
200,000 amps of current - The average flash would light a 100 watt light bulb for 3 months
- Number of lightning strikes a day on planet earth: 8 million
- Certain damage to property, caused by lightning, may not be immediately obvious
Lightning Damage To Property – Insurance Claim Case Study
The property is a semi detached 2-storey house located in south Dublin and suffered extensive damage following a lightening strike.
The lightening had struck and exploded the chimney breast completely; the debris and impact caused extensive damage to the roof covering and left the roof with gaping holes. As the roof is shared with a neighbour, we were instructed to handle both claims through different insurance companies and different loss adjusters.
ICS appointment came following a referral of an old friend of the owner who had previously engaged our services. ICS carried out a full survey within a couple of hours and we found very early into our survey that the damage was more extensive than originally feared.
ICS recommended the appointment of technical specialists to ascertain the full extent of the loss. ICS in conjunction with the policyholder engaged an electrical engineer, chimney expert and structural engineer to assist us in preparation of reports to establish the full quantification of the loss.
The findings
The lightening caused damage to the internal electrical wiring even causing the sockets to explode off the wall, the intruder alarm and gas fired boiler suffered extensive damage and required replacement, also the majority of the appliances had been damaged beyond repair.
In our experience, we have found that up to 50% of the damage is not obvious from the outset and only surfaces after further investigation.
ICS’s next role was to use the information gathered to present a claim and to work hard to secure a comprehensive scope of works. Insurers are reluctant to agree to everything and we work hard to ensure that our clients are protected.
ICS compiled and submitted a comprehensive claim. We entered into negotiations with the insurance company loss adjuster and we agreed a favourable settlement. The favourable settlement terms allowed the policyholder to reinstate the property to current regulations and as new.
Benefits of employing Insurance Claim Solutions Loss Assessor to manage the claim:
- No paperwork to fill out- ICS takes care of it
- Access to our expert specialist partners to provide damage reports to ascertain full extent of works.
- Full claim management from start to finish from a registered building surveyor and regulated insurance expert.
- Peace of mind that no damage is left undiscovered
- Achieve more favourable settlement terms with considerably less stress
- Expert guidance, support and assistance in all areas of the claim an experienced professional building surveyor. Claims are our core business and we handle 100’s of claims every year.
- As ICS are owner operated the policyholder receives a 1 to 1 personal service.