Extensive Smoke Damage to A Family Home in Dublin

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family home fire damage1 family home fire damage 2 family home fire damage 3Fire and Smoke Damage | This is the case of extensive smoke damage to a property, which could have been missed if the claim was handled by someone with no experience in fire damage.

The property was damaged by fire. Most of the damage seemed obvious, but on close inspection we noticed that roof felt had been warped by the heat and several windows were also affected. We suspected that there was further damage, not easily seen with a naked eye.

We called in contractors which specialised in fire and smoke damage restoration work. They carried out thorough inspection and found out that rooms that looked fine, had high levels of smoke damage to timbers, plasters and porous materials. Carrying out this specialist testing (at our own expense and risk) allowed us to get much higher insurance claim settlement. This allowed the owners to strip, clean out and replace replace damaged items, therefore avoiding problems with the house structure in the future.

ICS handled the entire claim from start to finish. This included the assessment, handling all paperwork, filing the claim and negotiations with the insurers. Insurance Claim Solutions as registered Building Surveyors also supervised the reinstatement of works.

want more advice on an insurance claim

Insurance Claim Solutions is a registered and regulated insurance claim loss assessor. If you have suffered a financial loss – then contact us today to ensure you receive the best possible financial outcome.