Chip Pan Fire | ICS Helps Elderly Couple With Their Fire Damage Claim

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chip pan fire claim - kitchen destroyed by fire Fire damage to ceiling and kitchen units caused by chip pan fireChip Pan Fire | Insurance Claim Solutions has recently been called in to assist an elderly Dublin couple with their chip pan fire claim.

A chip pan left unattended for a few minutes by  the lady who went to check on her grandkids, burst into flames causing extensive damage to the kitchen.  Other parts of the house were also affected as heavy smoke from burning oil and plastic spread quickly throughout the house.

Trevor Kelly, the ICS Loss Assessor, who assisted the couple with their claim, not only helped them with assessing the fire damage, filing the insurance claim and negotiating the settlement, but also arranged through the local estate agent, a short term lease so the elderly couple had somewhere to live while repairs to their home were carried out.

To ensure that the couple got a full compensation for their loss, he also engaged a specialist fire & smoke damage company to assess suspected smoke damage. The assessment which was carried out covered not only the fixtures and fittings in the kitchen, but also furnishing and clothes in other rooms in the house.

Chip Pan Fire – Case Resolution

Restored kitchen after insurance claim payoutnew kitchen floor after fire damageICS Loss Assessor negotiated hard to achieve a full compensation for the damage. As a result the insurance company paid for all the damages and the couple were able to return to a home made as good as new.

The kitchen was repainted and redone and the compensation covered the cost of a brand-new, fitted kitchen and kitchen appliances.

If you would like our Loss Assessor to help you with your insurance claim, call Trevor on 086 357 1713.


A word of warning – Never leave a chip pan on a stove unattended

Hot oil can catch fire in a flash and within seconds your whole house can become ablaze. Hot oil is difficult to put out. Never use water or wet towels to contain the blaze. See this short informative Chip Pan Fire video produced by a fire brigade and stay safe.

want more advice on an insurance claim

Insurance Claim Solutions is a registered and regulated insurance claim loss assessor. If you have suffered a financial loss – then contact us today to ensure you receive the best possible financial outcome.